Our Vision

Build a sustainable future by creating economic value, preserving resources and improving the communities in which we operate.

Our Mission

Deliver value to our stakeholders by integrating sustainability and diversity across all aspects of our business.

Our Approach

We integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations throughout our investment process.

2021 ESG Report Cover Image

To learn more about our ESG activities, including performance highlights and case studies:

Download the 2021 Report

Our Responsible Investment Policy

Our Responsible Investment Policy serves as the cornerstone of our approach to ESG. This policy guides the integration of both macro-level and company-specific environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations. Development of this policy was informed by relevant third-party standards, industry best practices and global initiatives, including the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Our Responsible Investment Policy articulates our ESG vision and mission, affirms our adherence to the PRI, and defines the scope of and identifies material ESG issues. It states that our approach to ESG integration extends throughout the investment life cycle and commits us to publicly reporting our ESG performance on an annual basis.

Priority ESG Issues

The thoughtful consideration of ESG issues provides an important perspective to identify potential risks and opportunities to create value. DigitalBridge aims to strategically direct our attention and resources to those issues where we seek to achieve the greatest impact throughout the investment process. During both due diligence and ongoing asset management, we typically focus on the most relevant ESG issues, which we have prioritized according to two criteria: those that have the greatest effect on our business and those that are the most important to our stakeholders. The result is a targeted set of ESG priorities we consider for the portfolio companies and investments in both our digital equity and in other relevant portfolios:

  • Climate Change: Energy Efficiency, Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions and Physical Climate Risks
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) on our Management Teams and our Boards of Directors
  • Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Programs
  • Workplace Health and Safety
  • Privacy and Data Security (and attendant human rights issues)

Net Zero 2030

We encourage and empower our portfolio companies to lead in the race to net zero.
Achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 is a bold commitment and one of our highest ESG priorities. Given our global strategic relationships with large hyperscale companies, mobile network operators and other telecommunications and technology customers with aggressive decarbonization commitments, we believe this is not only a moral issue but also a business imperative. Thus, we have set aggressive goals to reach net zero emissions on an accelerated time frame and by adhering to the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), which defines and promotes emissions reductions in line with climate science.

Making Progress Toward Our Ambitious Goal

We are moving decisively toward our stated goal to reach net zero emissions on an accelerated time frame. The companies in our Digital Equity portfolio made significant progress during 2021 and are maintaining that momentum. As we continue to add new investments to our portfolios, we intend to follow the timeline below to put each acquisition on a path to net zero.

2021 Accomplishments

  • Developed a strategy for our Net Zero 2030 commitment
  • Identified qualified vendors who can help our portfolio companies achieve net zero
  • Initiated calculation of GHG footprint at portfolio companies through vendor introductions
  • Trained portfolio companies on climate change and energy management through presentations by experts from BSR and Climate Impact Partners

2022 Goals

  • Complete a GHG footprint for DigitalBridge operations
  • Encourage all portfolio companies to complete a GHG footprint
  • Continue supporting companies with introductions to vendors for GHG footprints
  • Submit SBTi target validation

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Empowered teams of employees are working to realize our vision of a more welcoming, inclusive workplace.

We strongly believe that creating and maintaining a workplace environment that recognizes and values human differences and fosters inclusiveness makes us a better company and can help us attract and retain the most qualified professionals. We believe that drawing upon more diverse viewpoints helps us achieve better results and has become increasingly more important to the global customers of our portfolio companies.

CEO Vision, Employee Leadership

The mandate for faster progress across all facets of the business emanates from the highest levels of our organization. Our CEO Marc Ganzi has challenged everyone at the company to do more to build a more diverse, equitable and inclusive team. The cross-functional, 15-member Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Steering Committee formed by our CEO reports to him as its Executive Sponsor and has taken the lead in shaping this vision. Guided by our four-part DEI Initiative described below, a cadre of employee-driven subcommittees implemented several actions during 2021 and delivered solid results.

Furthering Our Commitment

In early 2022, our Executive team voted to adopt a formal DEI Policy. In addition, we signed on to the ILPA Diversity in Action initiative and the CEO Action for Diversity and Inclusion Pledge. Both of these initiatives provide tools, resources and networking opportunities we can use to continue to advance diversity, equity and inclusion at DigitalBridge and help raise the bar on DEI across the asset management industry.

Our DEI Initiative

We strive to attract, retain and reward talented people from all backgrounds who can help advance our business.

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Our Partners

Through long-term relationships with leading responsible investing frameworks, sustainability experts and nongovernmental organizations, we expand our perspective and increase the effectiveness of our broader ESG program.

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As a member of BSR since 2018, we rely on its global network of more than 100 sustainable business experts to support our portfolio companies with research and best practices related to climate, diversity and human rights issues. In 2021, BSR reviewed and provided input on the development of DigitalBridge’s ESG expectations for portfolio companies and our Net Zero 2030 commitment.

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DigitalBridge is a proud signatory of the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). We recognize the value of supporting this nonprofit organization that advances responsible investment globally, shares best practices across the industry and evaluates our performance each year.

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In 2021, we expanded our relationship with Sponsors for Educational Opportunity (SEO), which provides select educational and internship opportunities to college students from underrepresented backgrounds. Three of the four summer analysts we hired for full-time roles were sourced through our relationship with SEO.

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We financially support Télécoms Sans Frontières (TSF) as it provides emergency response digital infrastructure to communities in crisis. In 2021, TSF provided connectivity for refugees in Greece, migrants in Central America and learning centers in Madagascar. In early 2022, TSF quickly established telecom support for Ukrainian refugees and the humanitarian response in that region.